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Electric Forest – Interactive Light Sculpture

Electric Forest – Interactive Light Sculpture This work was completed with a deadline of under two weeks. From conception to implementation.   Fortress Festival, in its second full year of development were looking to boost their visitor experience during their...

The Game-stallation – Game theory brought to life

The Game-stallation – Game theory brought to life This installation was developed for the ‘Thinkery’ museum as an affiliation between the University of Texas at Austin. A children’s museum installation that uses common mechanics from...

“Misread Signs” – Gallery Projection Experience

“Misread Signs” – Gallery Projection Experience To help express the difficult concepts of trauma on the human psyche, we developed an immersive projection system that enveloped an audience in the complex and enthralling art of Austin artist Yuliya...

Hyper-Realist Kinect Skeleton Movement & Character Control

Hyper-Realist Kinect Skeleton Movement & Character Control This work was part of an unlisted larger project.   To create hyper realistic human movement in a puppeteer style control system, I developed and implemented a unique control system using the partial data...