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Learn in Ten

Learn in Ten is the answer to the current gap in the long form educational domain for creative computing. Utilizing the skills and mentality developed throughout the growth of Programming for People, Learn in Ten aims to offer the educational content other ‘computing’ sites will not.
It’s in the name – learning takes form in multiple episode ‘series’ all with the focus on a single outcome.
From deep diving in to the nuances of a specific software or the development of specific hardware interfacing tools, Learn in Ten allows creative learners to develop greater understandings of the tools they use, or want to use.
Learn-in-Ten earns revenue via sales of each course on a one-time-purchase system. Users are able to buy access to a course for a fee, each course is individually priced.


Since my early years of working freelance as an interaction designer. I have had an entrepreneurial spirit and conviction.
While I now prefer to work as part of a larger unit on bigger projects, a few of my hobbies of past grew into self-sustaining commercial entities.